
Showing posts from September, 2012

Dear The Internet...

Wow, I'm the crappiest blogger ever. Because if you haven't noticed, my last post was almost 5 months ago. #winning Well, I'm back. And hopefully here to stay. Hold in your wailing and gnashing of teeth, you thought you were rid of me but I'm not going anywhere. So suck it. Ughjshgt;kahtjksgh this is how professional I am at writing, guys. I just hit the keyboard a few times while I cry and I just ugh. There are going to be a lot of "ugh"s in this post. Brace yourselves. UGH. Okay. Wow. Hello, angsty gross me. It's been a while. Alright, now that all that's out and I'm mostly done crying we're gonna actually talk about some stuff. Well, actually, I'm gonna talk about some stuff and you're gonna read about it and gossip to your friends about me and my fabulous sweaters and how I get all fangirly because Doctor Who and Avengers and Loki and I don't remember where I was going with that so I just stopped. A huge apology to...