
Showing posts from January, 2013

"Feed My Sheep"

First off, SHOUT OUTS. Sometimes people ask me to mention them in a blog post so I do. Emily Vasas and Holly Daley: 'Sup, gurls. Word to your mother. Holla. Peace. *wink* And now on to the actual blog post. Sundays are my favorite days. Actually, Wednesdays are, but for the sake of this post, Sundays are my favorite days. The Sabbath day, the day of rest, gives us a chance to relax and reflect and rejuvenate our spirits. And there isn't a person on this planet who doesn't need or deserve that chance. This past week I've been reflecting on the life of Jesus Christ as illustrated by the New Testament, including his Atonement, his death, and his resurrection. In our seminary (bible study) class, we've been studying those chapters in the four gospels about the last week of Jesus's life. And in church lately we've been discussing the Godhead, composed of Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Today the question asked in our young wo...

New Beginnings

"new year new me lol" ~ every girl on Facebook Unfortunately I'm doing exactly that... It's a new year, and there has to be a new me. I believe in change, a constant desire to better yourself. You can still be confident in yourself and your abilities but have a goal to be a better person, because there's always room for improvement. After an utterly horrid start to senior year, I've had to change a lot of things. I dug myself into a very deep, very dangerous hole and I've been working for the past three weeks to not only climb back out, but to fill that hole up so there's no chance I can fall back in like I did before. Anyways. I have a lot of things that need to change if I want to achieve the big-headed, ambitious goals that I have. Starting with my sadness. I've been trying to pin point where these depressive moods are coming from. I have a few theories, but it's a big messy mixture of lots of things... Led by guilt and self-loathing...