I Just Wanna Go to College

Like, real college (no offense to Pikes Peak Community College).

Er, maybe a little offense.

So! I got accepted to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah and I'm 89% sure that is the school I will be attending in the fall!

Whoops the GIFs are back sorry not sorry

And just as a side note, let me tell you. Getting into BYU is not an easy feat. Some people just assume that if you're Mormon and you apply to BYU, you get in.


The acceptance rate at BYU for last year was 64%. Which may seem like a lot, but they had over 15,000 freshmen applications for the 2013 school year. So that leaves 5,400 students un-Cougared. Cougarless. De-Cougarfied.

But I'm stoked. I FINALLY have a somewhat conclusive life plan. And by "somewhat conclusive" I mean the plan I'm going to follow until God steps in and changes my direction, my life, and my perception.

Something to look forward to, I guess.

One thing I'm kinda super bummed about is that most of my friends who I love dearly who are currently at BYU will all be gone on missions by the time I get there. *sad face* So we won't be able to hang out and go on group dates and study together and party hard and watch Princess Bride and go visiting teaching and tunnel sing until we all get back together after we all come back from missions which is in like a million years.

Or three years. But still, that's... That's a long time. Hard to think about. :c

But this next year is gonna be SO POPPIN'. So many new friends to make, so many old friends to get to know better, so many classes to take and piano songs to compose and men to date!!


Should be freaking great!!!11!!!1!

Ha anyways.

I'm working on an epic Summer 2013 playlist. Obviously, it's going to be the greatest summer in the history of summers as an ode to all our childhoods' past and the beginning of adulthood. It pretty well portrays the rocky road I traveled at the beginning of the school year through this semester, and the kind of rebirth I experienced at just the beginning of this new year.

There are songs about every feel I feeled. The good, the bad, the old, the new. Senior year summed up in about 40 songs. I love music seeeeew much, so it makes me so incredibly happy to find a song that exemplifies the emotions I feel inside that are sometimes difficult to put into words.

It's kind of a long playlist, which is why I use it for homework and blogging (and Facebook stalking, of course).

But anyways.

So today was a really really great day. Which was surprising. I went to a bunch of missionary farewells, which is always great because yay missionaries! But with certain farewells, I wasn't sure how I would take it. Thankfully, everything went well. And by that I mean I'm happy. I'm so, so happy for my friends who are leaving behind everything familiar and going into a field that is new and maybe a little scary, but they are leaving with the faith that the strength of the Lord will guide them as they go.

It's so. Dang. Cool.

It makes me want to get out in the mission field so bad. I wanna go in the MTC and maybe learn a new language, and of course learn more in depth about the principles of the Gospel so that I can be an effective and spiritual teacher.

My motivation to finish this post just jumped off the face of the Earth so I'm not really sure how to end this post... Umm...

I cut my hair (again)!
Please excuse my face.

It's okay. It makes me feel like Anne Hathaway sometimes, but most of the time I feel like my brother.

I mean, he's a chill bro, but... He's a dude. And I'm a girl. *sad face*

Give it two or three weeks and I'll be fine, but I have Morp (backward Prom, the girls' choice dance, hollaaa) this weekend and I don't want to look like a dude when I'm on a date with a dude...? You feel me? Awkward.

Oh well. :\ I'm off to write a crap ton of missionary letters! Or at least get started on them. I'm currently writing my brothuh from anothuh mothuh (hashtag thug life), Jared Wilson (I call him J-Rad). He's currently in the France Lyon mission, and he's coming up on a year of service! A year this May (or June or something, whoops)! How exciting!!! I miss the kid, you know. We describe our relationship as being cousins, but like really tight cousins. Not exactly siblings, not exactly bffs. Just... Cousins. Who are really tight.

But anyways, his letters always make me so happy. Like, he was a chill dude before he left and he was excited and willing to serve but I could tell he was a little reluctant, or maybe he was just nervous. But reading his letters from the field, I can feel this new burning desire to preach the Gospel, a desire I hadn't previously seen as strong in him.

But those letters are so fun, and I'm so excited to start writing my other friends who are headed out into the field soon (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, MEG).

Random note: Holla to my California friends. Lubb you guys. See you this December. :)

I have a whole other post in mind all about relationships (Awww yeahhhh) but not until later so keep your eyes peeled.

Also let me know what you think of the new layout. I am a graphic designer at heart (ha ha no) and I really love messing with my blog layout so... Yeah.

Peace out, girl scout! Hopefully you don't think I'm any lamer than I was when you started reading, but regardless of how lame I am, thank you for the support. Means a lot. *cheesy smile*

Ellie the Ultimate Hotness

BONUS: Here's a picture of me holding a $100 bill. First and last time ever. Yeeeee.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY (BONUS WHATEVER): My 8-year-old sister just asked me, "Why do cats have nine hearts?"

Ha ha

Ha ha ha


I guess we'll never know


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