In The Beginning...

You probably have so many questions, like, "Who is Ellie? Who is Mac? Why did she pull the marriage word?" Well, I have questions, too. Where does dark matter come from? How can I instantly become a YouTube star? And why is online banking so difficult?

Fortunately for you, your questions are answerable. So let's start with question number one.

1. Who is Ellie?
Well, that would be me. Hello! I have a wonderful life with a wonderful family of seven (and counting!) in the Rocky Mountains. You'll find out more about me as we continue on this journey together through blogging and other technological things of... THE FUTURE.

2.  Who is Mac?
I will be getting more into that within the next few weeks, I promise. But I like suspense, so you have to wait. Mwahahaha.

3. Why did you say... The "M" word!?
Because I like to freak men out. Haha. I am not married, I'm a little young to be married, but I'm hoping one day my prince will come and I will be able to break out of my past life and be happy for time and all eternity.

I have things to do now, (I HAVE  A LIFE!) but this is my story. I've been yearning to tell it for a few months now and this is my chance! So stay tuned for tomorrow is when I bring out the real answers to your questions.

Good night, sleep tight, say your prayers, etc etc.

~ Ellie


  1. Hey, Ellie!

    You obviously knew I was gonna read this. Even though I know the answers to all three questions.
    But it's entertaining.

    You're awesome!


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