Maybe not. But I think that it’s pretty dang fantastic.

I am apologizing now for my last two posts, you’re probably thinking, “What’s this chick’s deal? Thinks she can just come in and BLOG AND BE ALL LAME ABOUT IT, HUH!?” Again, I apologize. I am a) SUPER mega lazy, and b) writing a speech about the conspiracies behind Abraham Lincoln’s death. Ooh! Conspiracies!

Anyways… I promise that this post, at least, will be supermegafoxyawesome(hot). In fact, one day if you run into me on the street or in Heaven or something, please do stop me and say, “Ellie, dearest. Would you please recur to me your wonderful love story? I find it oh so fascinating.” And to that I will reply, “Oh, darling, of course I can repeat my wonderful love story to you!” All in British accents, of course. Truth be told, I love telling this story. It brings back now bittersweet memories of a time when my life was charmed and extremely simple. Now… Not so much. But! I know that at one point in my existence, life was perfect, if only for a few short weeks.

To begin our lovely love story, please imagine in your mind the harp music from the Beatles song “She’s Leaving Home” playing quietly on a record player in some corner of your brain. Now find a comfortable position to sit in, because this might take a while. I would also recommend some Girl Scout cookies and a mug of rich, frothy, steaming hot chocolate with melting whipped cream delicately positioned on top, drizzled in decadent, smooth chocolate sauce.

Now you want hot chocolate, don’t you? HA! Called it.

So you’ve got the harp music, hot chocolate, cookies, and a comfy chair. Let me begin my warning you that if you are a female, this story might cause you to squeal with delight or jump up and down repeatedly while giggling profusely. If you are a male, I applaud you for trying to read through this. It must be painful and awkward for you, especially if you know me. If you don’t, I’m some girl that just really digs a guy who can play the piano like a boss and… Well, I’ll get into that later.

Cue cameras to July 4th, 2011 in a small town in Southern California. I am with my wonderful grandparents, I believe both my mom’s and dad’s parents, sitting on the front lawn of the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints building. The ward is there to celebrate our national holiday with a speech from the wonderful bishop and a flag raising ceremony from the awesome young men, whose names are Curtis, Billy, and Spencer. I’ll get to them later. Following the flag raising ceremony is an awesome pancake breakfast made with love and priesthood power. (Spencer burned the bacon.) As soon as we were done at the church, we packed up the car with all of my junk and headed out to Santa Barbara, California for a week of learning, growing, and love. (Not the mushy kind, the love-for-fellow-men kind. The mushy kind is coming up soon enough.) The drive to Santa Barbara was beautiful! It’s a lovely coastal town that is lucky enough to have mountains (which are more like giant hills for me, living in the Rockies) and beaches. It’s a very pretty place!

Anywho, we got lost on the UCSB (University of California at Santa Barbara) campus trying to find check-in for EFY, but finally we made it! As soon as I got out of the car, I saw 400,000 attractive young men carrying guitars.


I got help from some man carrying my ridiculously heavy luggage (Oh, the woes of being a girl!) up a flight of stairs and down a winding hallway, which doesn’t sound hard bit it was, okay. Don’t judge. I got to my room and met my roommate, Sierra, a beautiful, tan California blond babe who is funny, kind, and has a great taste in music. I was initially nervous because she is two years older than me, but we were able to talk and have fun, so the age didn’t matter to me anymore. We then met all our girls, and finally met the boys! What a wonderful group of kids. I miss them and love them so much!

For our morning devotional, all 400 of us Mormon teens piled into a big conference room and got the EFY welcome from all the counselors, which included dancing and yelling and clapping and stuff like that. Pretty fun! Then our session director, Brother Wilde, got up and asked the audience, “Who here plays the piano?” Of course I raised my hand. I love playing piano. Sometimes I’m good. Other times, I fail hard core. So I raised my hand high, but he picked a kid in the front. Now, from far away in the back, the kid looked like he was 14. (I guess I have crappy eye sight.) But regardless of his supposed age, he got on the piano and played THE COOLEST piano arrangement anyone has ever heard! He started out by playing “Starlight” by Muse, and I was instantly impressed. Not smitten (yet), but definitely captivated by his epic talent. As a joke, I wrote his name in my little notebook, just for kicks and giggles, just so I could remember the awesomesauce that was this guy’s piano playing. In my book, I wrote “Mac the piano guy [winky face] [heart]” and thought nothing of it for the rest of the day.

Tuesday rolled around, and during our break I wandered around with my friend Lexi, another tan, blond California beach babe. Just for the record, she has beautiful eyes. Anyways, we were walking around campus having fun flirting and getting numbers, AKA the usual, when I noticed a mob of hot men with guitars! I immediately got excited. Any guy that can play an instrument is attractive in my book! (Unless you have a lousy personality or you are mean. Then you are no longer in my book.) I meandered over to this mob of guys and met all of them. (There were a lot.)

*Quick side note: I was NOT trying to find a C.O.W. (Crush of the Week) because I was previously dealing with dumb issues with boys and I did not want to add more drama to the mix of my absurd and outlandish life.

As I continued talking to the guys in the MIBOB (or, the Musically Inclined Band of Brothers, which, by the way, I made up by myself), I noticed the most attractive male I’ve ever laid eyes on. He was sitting under this huge tree, playing guitar (like a boss), and rockin’ his aviators. I knew I needed to go talk to him.

I walked up and said, “Hey, you’re pretty good! I’m Ellie.”

“Thanks, I’m Mac.”


Mac the Piano Guy!?


“NO way! Mac the piano guy!? I’m your biggest fan!!”

And at this moment I believe I frightened the entire campus with my joyful shrieking.

“Um, yeah, that’s me… Haha, thank you! That made my day!”

YES. I made Mac the Piano Guy’s day. I was winning all over. In that moment, I officially decided that Mac was my C.O.W. and I would do pretty much anything to have him. In a not creepy way. Actually, it was pretty creepy. But I’m a creepy person, so it works out.

*Another quick side note: I’ve gone back to this day many many times in my daydreams, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it was inevitable that I fell for Mac. You’ve heard of love at first sight? Well, this was infatuation at first sight. I know it’s silly to say, but it was meant to happen. Kind of like star-crossed lovers. Except not lovers… Star-crossed devotees? Or star-crossed best friends. Or just star-crossed. But that’s weird, so… Anyways. I believe it was preordained.

**Quick side side note: Everything happens for a reason, even if it’s a sad thing. Also, every trial that you face is for your benefit and to make you stronger. Also also, it forces you to humble yourself and come to Christ. Just a quick thought about life. :)

Wednesday. I tried and failed to win Mac’s affection. He showed no interest in me whatsoever. So I knew I had to do something ridiculous to catch his eye. It was this day that I met Christian and Cameron, two of my favorite guys. They were Mac’s super good friends in his company, and they are just super cool in general. :) Anyways, we all played some Ultimate (Ultimate Frisbee, for you sheltered people) but my time for being creepy was up. Except, it was TRYOUT DAY!!! It was my day to try out for the Variety Show! They don’t call it a Talent Show because people don’t have talent… They have variety. Ha… Hahahaha. Those poor, poor talented children.

My tryout ROCKED! All the girls in my company lovingly came and supported my tryout by stalking me through the glass door outside the room where the wonderful Steinway piano was. That moment was a great one in my life because I felt empowerment and love and VALUE! So thanks to my girls who supported me and made me feel loved. :) During my tryout, I explained to the judges my plan, which I will reveal later. When I came out of the room, my girls screamed and attacked me with their love and devotion, and I saw Mac!! Some boys in his company also came to support me and dragged him along, much to my liking. He congratulated me for doing well, then left. Oh, if only everyone knew the legit awesome amazing MAGICAL trick I had up my sleeve. Mwahahahaha! >:)

Thursday. I was nervous. My heart was pounding and I was sweating liberally, which is never good. I was so nervous that I couldn’t eat anything. I tried to eat a plum… But I couldn’t do it. We went through the day in our church clothes, all nice and stuff. I ran to practice for the Variety Show, and then they started letting people in the room.

I helped my friend Sierra, a fantastic singer, learn the words to “Count On Me” by Bruno Mars in about 45 minutes. (You did so good, girl! I am still amazed that you learned that whole song in such a short time.) When Sierra was singing, I was crying because I was so happy for her amazing job! After a bunch of awesome and… variety-filled… acts, I was up. I took the mic and walked up onto the stage. Here is exactly what I said and what happened that day.

“Hey, how you doin’, how you doin’? Hey, so I’m Ellie. It’s like El and Lie, but we tell the truth cuz we’re Mormon, right? (I say awkward things when I’m nervous.)

“So, I come from a little town in Colorado, can I get a shout-out from my Colorado friends? [about 15 out of 400 people scream]

“Sweet! I would also like to give a little shout-out to my company, Stand Forever! [my company screams and jumps up and down like the awesome people they are]

“The boys in my company are so sweet, they brought us flowers this morning, it was so nice. Speaking of boys! There is nothing I find more attractive in a guy than musical talent, so… Could I get Mac the piano guy up here please? [Mac runs up, everyone is screaming and cheering and laughing and stuff]

“Guys, this is Mac. Not only is he ridiculously talented and insanely dashing, but he is also a very very nice guy. So here’s my card,” [I hand an orange index card to Mac with all my contact information] “and call me and we can chat about music… and marriage. [oohs, aahs, and cat calls from the crowd]”

Mac’s face. Was priceless. He looked surprised, shocked, and slightly impressed, which made me giggle. I sent Mac back to his seat and I played “Dumb Song” by Jon Schmidt (who is my idol, by the way). After the show, Mac came up to me and said: “That is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, ever. That made my week! So… Can I escort you?”


I was excited. I was elated, actually. Mac and I walked arm in arm back to the dorms, and it was then we were dubbed The C.O.W. (or, The Couple of the Week). Walking back to the dorms was interesting. We had random girls take pictures of us and girls come up and ask me questions about Mac and why would I do something so crazy. Then I met Brittany, Mac’s wonderful little sister. She said she approved. (YES!) I left and changed into jeans then met Mac in the piano room for a little music date. (WOOHOO!) He played a bunch of songs for me and we sat on the piano bench and talked for a long time. It was fun. :)

In a nutshell, Mac saved seats for me at all the meals and gave me paper roses. It was like magic, and I was on Cloud 900. After our piano date, he admitted to me that he liked our friend Megan who was in his company before he knew I existed, but he was glad that I did what I did. (Heehee. Hahahahahaha. Hee.) :)

Friday night came around and we were at the dance, rockin’ out and looking super good. At the end of the night, the last dance ended and I gave Mac a quick peck on the cheek. He looked at me weird, which cause me to freak out inwardly.


Yup… My brain moves pretty quick.

My friend Liz called me out on it. I was super embarrassed because there is supposed to be absolutely NO physical contact at EFY.

What if a counselor saw me? What if I get kicked out?? I AM STILL A FAILURE AT LIFE.

I didn’t actually think any of these things about being a failure. Everything else, though, is exactly what I thought.

I was walking out with my company when Mac walked up to me. I asked, “Was that okay? I’m so sorry,” and he replied, “Yeah, it’s fine,” and kissed me on the cheek!! WOOHOO! YES! WINNING! HALFWAY TO FIRST BASE!!!

I went to bed that night elated once again!

Saturday. Sierra and I had packed up the night before, so we were good to go. We got all our stuff downstairs and I began my number/Facebook run. I ran and got everyone’s numbers and checked if they had Facebook (so basically what I just said). I saw Brittany and told her that they couldn’t leave without my permission. I then turned and saw Mac coming with the Stud Muffins, AKA the guys in his company. (I love you, Stud Muffs for eternity!) We stood and HELD HANDS (WINNING) and TALKED (DOUBLE WINNING) and then I told him I should probably leave. I had been leaving my aunt waiting for me for at least 20 minutes. We hugged and as we pulled out of the hug…

HE KISSED ME! ON THE LIPS! FER REALZ! I smiled really big and he said, “Sorry, that was really bad…” to which I replied, “We can always try again…” being the sneaky person that I am. So… WE KISSED AGAIN.



I departed on my adventure in Santa Barbara with my aunt to find food, allergy medicine, and to sleep. It was an amazing day.

The story, however, does not end here! Stay tuned for the next two installments: First Date and Second Date (I have original titles, you know).

Leave feedback for me, if you’re my Facebook friend or if you have my email, or just leave a comment below. Thanks for blog stalking me!

~ Ellie

P.S. I apologize for the longness of this post. If you read the whole thing, let me know so I can mentally give you a gold star.


  1. Oh Ellie!!! (This is only MyKel by the way) hahaha I loved the whole thing! You are so sweet and so energetic in your writing just as you are in your music playing! I love you so much and can't wait to see you this Christmas! I can't wait for the next posts :)


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