Wonderful Day of Birth!

Babies are adorable, and that's a fact.

That was the dumbest blog opener I've ever written... I need to work on that.

So guess what today is!? TODAY is December 1st. It is snowing. It is cold. And it is MacLean Whittle's birthday!

He would've been 17 today. I'm sure he is partying HARD on the other side!

So let me just tell you about this experience I had last night. I have been dreading today for a long time, because I thought I would be a wreck, crying in a corner with mascara and snot all over my face and using boxes of tissues and watching chick flicks while eating See's Candy. But last night, I stayed up til 11 writing a hymn arrangement furiously. That hymn arrangement is now 5 pages long, oh yes. Officially it's my first song ever written for piano! Yay!

Anyways, I was preparing it to play in seminary today, which was canceled due to snow. (Whatever.) So last night I finished it, and I felt so accomplished that I wanted to sing really loud and dance around and stuff, which I did. I cranked up "Mac's Playlist" on my iPod and listened to the songs that usually depress me, but instead they made me smile and laugh and stuff! (By myself, in my bathroom, late at night. Creepy.)

I just couldn't fall asleep last night, I was so excited to wake up today and do something AWESOME in honor of Mac, the boy who I miss so dearly, to remind him and everyone else of what an amazing person he is! I haven't cried today (yet) so I'd say that Heavenly Father just wants me to be happy for one day. Today, I'm trading in my tears for service and love. For Mac!

What a stud. Happy birthday, Mac. We're all thinking of you today!


  1. ELLIE!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! It makes me so sad/happy/glad/depressed that this happened to you! Not to sound mean but you have helped me learn so much about everything while you are sorting this out yourself! Thank you! I love you! I hope Mac is reading this in Heaven and he knows what a babe he's got himself down here;)

  2. Giggle Chick... Whoever you are... Haha, thank you so much! I know how you feel there, haha. I mean, I am so so sad, but at the same time my life is so much better off because of everything that I've gone through. And it's not mean at all! The whole reason I made this blog was to show people a hard thing and how I'm getting through it. I am SO grateful that I've helped you out, it just makes this even better :):) I love you too, whoever you are!! I sure hope he knows, too. ;)

  3. Haha Sorry I meant to tell you this is Meagan Jenson:) Haha I forgot to post that at the end!:) Your so amazing! Thank you!!


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