Ellie and the Ex-Mormon

I read my call, and it told me I was going to Uruguay. Awesome. But then I kept reading. And it said, "You have been found as one worthy to serve..." That felt weird. I didn't feel worthy. What does that even mean, being worthy? It's tricky, I think. Trickier than just saying, you're worthy vs you're unworthy. Because when I think of being worthy, I think of how I would feel standing in front of God. And honestly, I don't think anything I do could make me feel worthy of that. So what does that mean? Being "worthy" means having merit, being a person of merit, as oppose to having worth, which means being valued, appreciated, and noble. And the thing is that people constantly mix the two together, especially in certain religious cultures, where you are deemed "unworthy" and looked down on because of something you've done. But unworthy of what? A wonderful realization that I've come to this week is that we are never, ever,...