He Called Back!

So I’m rereading my journal that account for almost every single day from March 24th, 2011, to October 4th, 2011. (I recently started a new journal that says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” on the front in SUPER ADORABLE font! Woo!)


My absolute favorite thing about rereading my journal entries from EFY is that I don’t go into too much detail about each day (even though I still remember crystal clear what went down when) and I write in Crayola markers!! So on the day of love and magic and magic love I wrote in orange marker. Heehee. My favorite. :)

My other favorite part about rereading my journals is that bittersweet feeling that everything in my life used to be perfect? And it was fantastic and everything was going the way I wanted it to go. Good times, right? VERY right!!

Okay, since this post is about my second date with Mac, I should probably start actually talking about it. Zoom on over to my grandparents’ cute little blue house in California at 5:30 AM on July 16th, 2011. (It’s a miracle from Heaven when I am able to get out of bed before 8 AM.) Cue EFY 2011 CD (whatever song is your preference, but I prefer track 5) which I sang in my head while I get ready for the TEMPLE TRIIIIIP! I was so blessed to be able to go to the Los Angeles Temple to do baptisms for the dead with the youth of the Arcadia Stake and… some other stakes. But! It was so amazing to be in this massive HUGE temple that is wayyyy bigger than the Denver Temple with people that I had gotten to know so much better over my two week adventure.

Fun Fact: The L.A. Temple happens to be the very temple my parents got married in! So it was super cool to be there, where the Bolander-Smith family began.

So, after the temple trip we all gathered in a big group and talked about the dance that was to be held at the Arcadia Stake Center that night. I let everyone know that I had invited Mac. I was SO excited to introduce him to all my new friends, meheheh. We then traveled as a ward to IHOP <3 to eat some international pancakes and talk about Harry Potter. (ILOVEHARRYPOTTERSOMUCH) So then I got home and,  according to my journal, “Facebooked then practiced [piano] then went to dinner with Mac and the family.” So basically I had a super lame day for 6 hours but then it was cool. (Did I mention that Mac and I never really went on an official double date? We doubled with his parents, and also went out to dinner with my family. But I am perfectly okay with that.)

So at around 6 PM on July 16th, Mac met me and my family (which includes both sets of grandparents, my awesome great-aunt, a lady from the stake and a cute old couple from the ward) at the Monrovian, a semi-nice restaurant in (Where else?) Monrovia. We had a blast talking to… Elderly…. People. (No offense ;) Whilst chatting with my mom’s parents, Mac and I cleverly held hands under the table (Sneaky sneaky!!). After dinner, we all went to my great-aunt’s house to drop her off. (Btdubbs, my great-aunt’s name is Lynn!)  Luckily for her and me, she has a piano! Yay! :) I played (very badly) my churchy solo of “Abide with Me”,  then Mac and I pulled out an old book for “Fiddler on the Roof” songs and played “Sunrise, Sunset”,  “Tradition”, and “If I Were a Rich Man”. You are probably wondering, “Ellie, why the flip flop would you  remember those songs from such a long time ago?” and to that I say, “Because I am creepy and I have weird  emotional attachments to music. Obviously. Now hush.”

We then made our way to the dance! (Which, btdubbs, was a tri-stake dance, so you would expect LOTS of people to be there.) But, unfortunately there were only 30 people there. And then 12 of them left. So there were 18 people, 15 of them dancing.


I felt really bad that there were NO people there. I even told Mac we could leave whenever he wanted to, but he insisted we stay. And that night, we proceeded to make the dance the most rockin’ party of the entire summer. The music was AMAZING, and the people were so fun! We made the dance flippin’ awesome.

Best night ever? Just about! I got to meet lots of new, amazing people, and dance with the cutest, most talented boy I’ve ever known. Just for future reference, Mac requested three songs for us to dance to: “So Close” by Jon McLaughlin (that song in the end of Enchanted); some song I’ve never heard; and “Vanilla Twilight” by Owl City, which will always have a special place in my heart. One of my favorite moments of the night? Well, rockin’ out to “Your Love is My Drug” by Ke$ha (Pronounced Kay-dollar sign-ha, NOT Keh-sha, obviously) which was also when my roommate, Sierra showed up unexpectedly :) and of course the moment when Jaunna asked me, “Are you two brother and sister or boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Well… Neither… What kind of family do you think I live in!?

It was pretty hilarious.


We (Mac, Sierra, and I) traveled back to my grandparents’ house to eat ice cream and talk and stuff. Since it was late, I was super loopy and said dumb things, but that’s okay. Being creepy is how I know a guy is really attracted to me, because if he doesn’t run screaming, then he’s golden. (And he has to play piano and sing  and have amazing hair and smell good and have beautiful eyes that I can swim in.)

Brother Whittle arrived to pick Mac up around midnight, so I said goodbye to Sierra. Mac and I shared one last kiss on the driveway when no one was looking, and he climbed into his car and drove off. That was the last time I would see him for a while.

The next day, he stayed home from church because I accidentally gave him my nasty cough. (Whoops… Heh heh heh.) ;) But both of us agreed that it was worth it. :)

Stay tuned for the next installment, “The Other Man”, and you BETTER be around to read all about the climax of our story or I might have to sic my pet platypus on you. (He’s the color dreen and his name is  Harold. He is not a secret agent, though… He’s actually a very successful business contractor.)

Until next time,

Ellie the Bolander


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