The Other Man.

Dun dun duuuuuun!

That's not the other man. That's Christian and Mackie Poo on our first date at the mall. :) Mac looks like Bono. (You know, the lead singer in U2? You people need help.)

So, happy Black Friday! I didn't go shopping. I slept in and then ate a toaster strudel whilst watching Wizards of Waverly Place.

Speaking of Wizards of Waverly Place, I made a decision. If (WHEN) I become famous one day for bringing world peace and piercing people's souls with my vivacious words, my best friends will be Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Rebecca Black. Why Rebecca Black, you ask? Because despite how AWFUL her songs are, she is still famous, no matter how many people hate her. And because so many people hate her, I like her because I'm all hipster and go against the flow. Which means I probably shouldn't be blogging...

Yeah, okay. I'm a New Age hipster.

Anyways, YESTERDAY = HAPPY TOMMY TURKEY DAY! (Or so says my great-aunt, whose name is Lynn, which I've said before.) Thanksgiving is such a great day because it gives us an excuse to 1.) stuff our faces and 2.) be overly sentimental and nostalgic. So, I am thankful for my warm, fluffy bed and my Chick Cavern (AKA my basement where I now reside) and my wonderful piano, George. (He is always there for me.) I am also so grateful for the trials I have been blessed wit the strength to face in the past months and the blessings that I have received by facing them. Remember, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. :)

So! Let's zoom on over to July 23rd, 2011. (That's a Saturday, by the way.) We had our stake Trek Super Saturday! I was not excited. Okay, I was a little excited. We all dressed up like pioneers and went to a church building in the woods to play games and meet our Trek families. (If you're having trouble with the whole pioneer thing, read this. This link talks about a different stake that did their trek. We did ours in Wyoming, but it's basically the same thing.) The next night, Sunday night, at 9:30 PM we all gathered at our stake center and packed our stuff on big buses to drive to Wyoming all night long. (Yay! ...) Before I left for the Trek, I talked to Mac and let him know just how nervous I was. (I was really nervous.) I mean, you pack everything you need in a bucket and walk through the middle of Wyoming for three days... Yay?

Some people think it's terrible. But let me tell you, it was one of the most profound experiences I've ever had in my life. Because I walked for three days through mud, water, and sand, I became closer to God and closer to my pioneer ancestors who had no choice but to walk thousands of miles to their promised land.

Whilst on my adventure, I met a guy. (Typical.) He will remain nameless, but I'll have you know that he is dang good-looking.

ANYWAYS, I was kinda falling for this good-looking guy while we bonded in the Wyoming plains. (How romantic.) Which is dumb. Because I'm dumb and I love men toooooo much.

After Trek, I tried to keep talking to this guy and eventually I said to myself, "Ellie, you have a man who you like mucho and who returns your feelings, so forget this other man and come back to reality."

Which is funny, because "reality" for me at the time was "I'm in love and I don't care about anything else in this universe, except Psych, Phineas & Ferb, and kissing hot men."

And so in that moment, after having a run-in with a good-looking guy and coming back to my "senses" I realized that my heart really truly resided in Mac's possession, lovingly being held in his sort of smallish hands. (Which never bothered me... Some girls freak out about hand sizes, nose sizes, height, eye color, hair color... None of that really matters. Get over yourselves.)

Gosh, I hate women. Love your man for who he is on the inside, no matter how wrinkly or smelly or short he is. I mean, it's always good to have that physical attraction, but make sure your guy has the cake AND the icing. You don't want to cheat yourself when it comes to love!

Fact: I have to deal with the fact that I am attracted to short guys. I don't know what it is, but I've never really been madly in fatuation with a tall guy. Because of this, my mother threatened that my children will be ugly.

Whatever. My mom is just biased against short people because she is short and so is most of her family. HA!

OH OH OH! I almost forgot. I am officially coming to California for New Years, so hit me up and we can hang. (Did you catch all that hip lingo I just whipped out? Yeah yeah, I'm cool.)

Stay tuned for a CRAZY CRAZY CRAAAAAZY new post coming next week sometime before Thursday! You will not want to miss it, trust me.

Much love and devotion and air kisses,


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