Real Answers.

Here we go. I'm officially actually starting this thing. I'm gonna answer questions and explain myself in more detail by diving into my recent past. So, we're gonna start with the Best Summer EVER (2011).

In May of 2011, I knew the summer was gonna be the best of the best. School ended with a bang, and my life was charmed! There was, of course, friend drama, but I distanced myself from it enough that it hardly affected me. There was drama in my personal life, however. I was having trouble with my feelings for my good friend from EFY (or Especially For Youth: Magical Mormon Meeting for Minors) because of the distant and lack of communication. However, I put that aside and focused my energy on GIRL'S CAMP!

Girl's Camp: A stew of drama, lies, drama, gossip, drama, pranks, drama, and love. And some more drama.

Luckily for my ward, our old Bishop, who we'll call Bishop Kenny for screening and anti-stalking purposes. So Bishop Kenny gave his beautiful Young Women a talk about avoiding drama, gossip, and hard feelings. He also encouraged us to always be there for each other. And in that moment, I decided that no matter what I was always going to be there to back up and support my sisters.

Bright and early on a Monday afternoon, we all arrived at the church and packed up for a week of spiritual enlightenment and opportunities to serve. There is something about nature that just brings you closer to God. It's uplifting and calming, but at the same time it can be spiritually trying if there is drama or if you feel lonely. Fortunately this year was just full of good feelings and new friends.

There's really nothing too significant that took place there... Just a feeling of peace and love. And everyone likes that. Unless, of course, you're a psychopath. Then that's too bad for you.

Two weeks after camp, I departed on a family vacation high up in the mountains. Family is everything. From the new spirits in the world to the ones closer to the veil, they matter more than some people understand. Respect your family. You never know how long you have with them.

My brother's baby blessing in late June brought more joy to me, helping me to see the blessing of life and the happiness that this little bundle of fat and drool brought to my family. This also brought both sets of grandparents out for the weekend. Our plans were to return to their home on the West Coast after the blessing, but plans changed and only I was able to go to attend EFY in Santa Barbara, California.

The road trip to California from the Rockies showed me even more about life. I was traveling! I was meeting new people! I was seeing more parts of the States that I had never seen!

Arrival in California made me feel free. I was in my second home, away from my family. I missed them, of course, but I was able to do what I wanted and be as selfish as possible with minimal consequences. Haha... I know, I'm a kind person.

Adventures at EFY 2011 to follow. Stay tuned!

~ Ellie


  1. Ellsie. I shall be stalking this and you like a tiger hunts a gazelle with an interesting magazine to read.

  2. And I will stalk this and you like...a stalker with a murderous mind.

    Sorry for the lack of creativity...I'm all creativitied out by novel-writing.

    But I thought I would come say that I remembered Mac's funeral today. I've been praying for the family all's been on my mind allllllll day.


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