First Date

That sad moment when all you've eaten all day is a bowl of Life cereal and an entire tube of Pringles because Pringles are addicting. Btdubbs, I'm eating sour cream $ onion Pringles, aka THE BEST KIND!

*Quick side note: “Btdubbs” is slang for “btw” which is text for “by the way”. Fact: I call John Bytheway “Bro. Btdubbs”. Because I’m freakin’ cool.

Oh gosh, I sound like a middle schooler.

Okay! So before I get to this whole first date story, I thought I should just say a massive huge THANK YOU to everyone who is currently blog stalking me! I appreciate it mucho (pronounced Moo-Cho for all you white people out there)! Also, mental gold stars to Keisha, Kayla, Elysse… They’re the only people who told me they deserve a mental gold star. So… If you want a mental gold star, you’re gonna have to earn it. The best thing would be for you to write me a sonnet. JK, that’s lame. Write me a symphony with the main instrument being those slide whistles? Yeah, then we’ll talk.

Sonnets aren’t too lame… But I prefer a symphony. With slide whistles.

Cue your mental cameras to Saturday, July 9th, 2011. I departed for a magical journey in Santa Barbara with my aunt after my romantic goodbye (wooOOOoo!) with Mac.


We went to Joe’s, a diner-slash-bar in town. It was TOTES DELISH. Daryl (that’s her name) then took me to see the Santa Barbara Mission. There were lots of old paintings and pretty flowers. I can’t remember if I saw a real monk… I don’t think I did, I might’ve just dreamed about seeing a real monk. Why would I dream about that? Come on. They are the most desirable men because of their lifelong service to God and their unobtainableness. Everyone always wants most what they can’t have. (That last sentence was to be read in a creepy, breathy voice, as if I was crouched over in a dark corner and whispering it to you from behind a locked cell door.)

Haha… That was creepy! I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Anyways anyways. We then traveled to Daryl’s house after making exchanges at a magical furniture store. (I can’t remember what it’s called… But there was this super expensive couch that looked so nice I was afraid to sit on it.) At her quaint home full of nice furniture (probs from that furniture store with no name), cats, and Entertainment Weekly’s, I Facebooked my besfran, Mac. We discussed EFY and how our days were going, then talked about maybe going on a date the following week. (WOOWOOWOO!) I was once again whisked away on an adventure to get In ‘N’ Out with my aunt (who, btdubbs, is a vegetarian) and then we saw Pirates 4 at this shady, ghetto dollar theater in a sad, run-down, abandoned parking lot. (Yay for California!) And then, TRADITIOOOOON! TRADITION! (Like that song from Fiddler on the Roof? …No? Okay.) We went to family dinner at Casa Del Ray! It’s tradition to get our whole family together and eat Mexican food, considering the only remotely Mexican person is my mom’s mom who speaks no Spanish.

Yay for white people!

Skip over to Monday, July 11th, 2011. Fun events of the day: Laguna Art Festival, Newport Beach, and Ruby’s Diner on the pier! (If any of you know what I’m talking about, I respect you so much right now.) Oh, and who could forget the ferry to Balboa Island? Maybe everyone except me. I then was able to travel to my great aunt’s house to practice the piano! YAYAYAY! If anything helps me feel great, it’s playing a little Jon Schmidt and Coldplay. When I returned home, I figured it would be good for me to call Mac and figure out our date plans. So I called their house. Mac’s dad, Randy, answered the phone.

“Hello, is Mac there?” I said in my sweetest sing-song voice.

“He’s been trying to get a hold of you ALL DAY!” Brother Whittle told me.


And Mac said that something was wrong with my phone and he couldn’t call me, so he finally said: “I am calling to officially ask you on a date, so Ellie, will you go on a date with me?”



We then proceeded to talk for two hours.

Two whole hours of awesome. I don’t remember half of what we talked about… Snakes and hunting come to mind, and definitely piano, and we also discussed *gasp* kissing!

Scandalous. [winky face] [heart]

Hop on over to Tuesday, July 12th, 2011. I got up nice and early (like, 8 AM, which is 9 AM in Colorado) and walked with my grandma to the donut shop down the street. (TRADITIOOOOOOOON! TRADITION!) Then I DROVE ON THE FREEWAY for the FIRST TIME EVER! WHAT! It was freaky. Did you know California has about 400 lanes on their freeways? Yeah. And Colorado has, like, two. The heck.

I got home and got to talk to my wonderful little brother, Sethie Poo. (That’s what I call him. Because that is his name. Call him Sethie Poo all the time, and just see what happens.)

So I got all prettied up, aka I put on some clothes that helped me look like a female and batted my eyelashes at myself in my mirror. We all drove (“We all” being me and my grandparents) to my OTHER aunt’s house (her name is Kathy, she is also a vegetarian) and waited for Mac. I was inwardly freaking out. Twas awesome. Mac arrived in their cute family minivan with his parents and his sister. (Did I mention that our date was to the movies with his parents? Yeah. We doubled with his parents.) Everyone met each other and we all drove to the massivehugemonstermall in Arcadia, California. We were able to meet up with my good buddy Christian, who I’ve mentioned before. He’s from EFY. And he’s basicrey super shweet. We saw Monte Carlo, that legit romantic comedy with Selena Gomez and that one guy from Glee. (Cory something… Monteith. Cory Monteith. Thanks, Google!) We wandered around the mall for a while and said goodbye to Christian, who foolishly parked his car on the opposite side of the mall than us. (Love you, Christian!) Mac and I wandered into American Eagle, where I accidentally sprayed this delicious perfume all over my face. It smelled uber good, and Mac agreed. (Heehee. I love men.) We then found ourselves in Borders, “looking at books”. (Heehee… I still love men.)

GOSH this is such a great story. Amirite?

Anyways. We were in Borders, and I said, “The first time we kissed, I kinda blanked out…” and I PROMISE I didn’t mean anything by that. I was just stating a fact. (Did that sound convincing over the interwebs?) Mac, every clever and charming, looked at me and said, “Well, don’t forget this.”

I think you can probably put that together in your head.

IS THIS NOT THE GREATEST STORY EVER!? Are you jumping up and down, squealing and crying right now? Because I am! But I should probably stop. Someone might see.


It was magical. And not two weeks later Borders was closing down. Should I have taken that as a sign? Maybe, but I was too infatuated to care about the future. You know me! *Awkward elbow jab into your ribs*

Or maybe you don’t. If you don’t know me, get to. Because I want to meet you. I love you, in a not creepy way. And I don’t know you. Kay, this is getting weird, I should stop.

Anyways. Imagine that “Fallin’ For You” by Colbie Callait is playing in the background. We're in the car, staring deeply into each other's eyes (or not... I don't remember. For romantic purposes, we'll say we were.) and being gushy, and Brother Whittle was mocking us. Twas awesome.

(Make sure "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City is playing in the background now.)

It was seriously the most perfect night, ever. The weather was perfect, warm with a light breeze, and the sun had set but the sky still had that light blue glow on the horizon. Mmmm. Mac kindly walked me to the door, and we both faced the Awkward Doorstep Scene that everyone hates. Like I've said before, I say dumb things when I'm nervous, so I started to mumble something that sounded dumb. Mac and I hugged tight and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek when out of nowhere...

Ready? Okay. Now imagine "Vanilla Twilight" stops playing because your pet spider monkey accidentally bumped into the record player and it made that nasty scratching sound? Yeah, that happend right here.

Out of nowhere, Brother Whittle sticks his head out of the car and yells, "Go back and do it the right way!"

Hahahahahaha... Hahahahahahahahahaha. I still laugh inwardly and outwardly about this moment in my life. Mac and I both turned bright red and I just giggled a lot because I'm a girl and we do that oftentimes. So we did it the right way to make Brother Whittle happy. I went inside to my family (which I'm still not sure was watching me through their massive front window... Hmm) and Mac went to his family in their car.

Then my grandparents took me to Taco Treat, a greasy taco shop run by a bunch of white people.

Yay to Californians for breaking stereotypes!

The whole night, though, I was singing ridiculously awesome Owl City songs in my head because I was, once again, on Cloud 900. And what do you do when you're in love?

You sing Owl City and you giggle a lot and smile and tell everyone about it in the world because absolutely nothing else matters! Fact!

Stay tuned for Monday's installment, Second Date. Like I told you, I have original titles. Or maybe I'll switch the titles up and throw you for a loop. Sneaky sneaky!

~ Ellie

P.S. There will be much loop-throwing every blahg post I write, just wait and see!


  1. Do I get a mental gold star for calling your brother Sethy-Poo? 'Cause I'll do it. He'll hate my guts, but I'll do it.

    How else do I get mental gold stars? I'm telling people about this blog tomorrow, so do I get one for that? I'm aiming to have a mental gold Sooooo tired.


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