This is Mac, guys.


This is a recap for all you squares who were too lazy to actually read through my last post and instead just skimmed it.

Which is hurtful, btdubbs. XP <-- That's me, giving you a raspberry full of hurt and sad feelings, kind of like holding a cold, empty mug of hot cocoa, consumed long ago...


I figured I should give y'all a visual of my star-crossed devotee. (Remember, because "lover" is weird for everyone.)
Add charm, talent, wit, and chocolate brown eyes, and what do you get?

Hot. Dang.

You get a worthy, virtuous and kind young man who can play the piano and guitar like a boss, who loves and respects his family and all those he comes into contact with, and who just oozes with the glow of the Gospel, along with dashing good looks.

Also, his smile can literally knock an entire crowd of people right off their feet.

Oh yeah. That weird chick in the picture is me. (Hahaha... I typoed it and it said"men" for about two seconds, then I got smart and fixed it.) Please ignore my mildly high facial expression, the light was really bright and my face was splitting from joy and excitement.

This is the face of young infatuation! Stay tuned for the next installment, which I will post in about 20 minutes. First date adventures, wooo :)


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